Monday, July 18, 2011

Dr. Walter Kimbrough: No time to abandon black colleges

Little Rock, AR - In the Wall Street Journal, a recent article ran that questioned the need for black colleges and universities, because of falling enrollments. In the USA Today, Dr. Walter Kimbrough fired back with an op ed piece that ran on June 23rd.

In his piece, Dr. Kimbrough maintained that the black college continues to be more affordable for the economically challenged student. As he said on Today's THV at 6:30, taking race out of the equation, and instead using socioeconomic parameters, there is a place for black schools like Philander Smith. And as Dr Kimbrough pointed out, these schools, like Philander Smith also are a part of families histories and legacies. To close them down would be a disservice to the heritage of so many black families.

Here's more...


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