Sunday, July 24, 2011

FVSU Lockette could use speed to land NFL roster spot

Fort Valley, GA - Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. Take the case, for instance, of undrafted free-agent wide receiver Ricardo Lockette of Fort Valley State.

Generally regarded as one of the most attractive players who went unselected in the NFL lottery nearly three months ago, and likely to be a so-called priority free agent when teams begin to sign players next week, Lockette acknowledged this week that he has "really no idea at all" what confronts him once summer training camp begins. Nonetheless, the speedy wide receiver is ecstatic about the prospect of being able to play football again after several months in free agent limbo.

"Since I haven't been through it before," said Lockette of training camp, "it's hard for me to say what it will be like. I do know, though, that it will be hard. And I know that, without any of the other [offseason] stuff, I'm going to have to learn everything a lot faster than I normally might."

To Lockette's advantage, faster -- and sometimes fastest -- is the manner in which he is most accustomed to operating.


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