Sunday, July 10, 2011

New A.D. at Paine College hits the ground running

Paine College Athletic Director Tim Duncan
Augusta, GA - If you drive over near and around Paine College you'll see things are starting to happen. That's a good sign with the new health eduction activities learning center or heal center about to break ground. The new man in charge of the athletic department, Tim Duncan is looking forward to it.

Duncan has been on the job for a couple of months and is getting caught up to speed on everything Paine College athletics. The HEAL center is a big part of it seeing there will be a 2500 seat arena incorporated in it. Duncan also knows there's a few fences to be mended along the way.

"I think my job is to get out in the community and to show we are still a part of the community that Paine College is here, that we're looking to build relationships, if there's relationships to be repaired, we will definitely do that very aggressively and we're excited about the opportunity." said new athletic director Tim Duncan.

Duncan says they hope to break ground in the next 30 days and it'll take 11 months to finish for the center. In the mean time, the basketball team will need a place to play. They finished out this past year at Josey and are working on one location for the entire season.

"Basketball is our revenue generating sport for Paine College so we want...



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