Thursday, August 25, 2011

VSU football, a force to be reckoned with

Petersburg, VA - After falling in the CIAA (Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association) championship to Shaw University last season, Virginia State University’s (VSU) football team is gearing up for another hard-hitting season on the grid iron. The team is currently undergoing preseason training camp, preparing for their season opener on Monday, Aug. 29, against Livingstone College in Salisbury, N.C.

Ranked sixth (out of 12 teams) in CIAA’s 2011 overall preseason poll, the Trojans are defending a season in which they finished first in the conference’s North division – where they are currently predicted to finish second.

Coach Andrew Faison, soon to begin his tenth season as the team’s head coach, isn’t the least bit bothered by the polls.

“It’s only preseason. I tell our guys: It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish,” he said. “Last year we were predicted to finish eighth, and, hey, look what happened. They moved us up a little bit, so hopefully this time around we will bring home the trophy.”


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