Friday, August 19, 2011

Walk-on QB at NSU turns into top wide receiver

NORFOLK, VA - Football practice is repetitive. Watching video of it during meetings is even more so. Watching video by yourself - only minutes after walking off the practice field, knowing you still have those meetings - sounds more like torture than teaching.

It was that routine, though, that turned Norfolk State junior Reggie Garrett from third-string walk-on quarterback to go-to wide receiver in less than a year.

"The other night, I thought I was one of the last ones in the locker room," said quarterback Chris Walley, who routinely throws with receivers after practice. "Then out comes Reggie, watching film."

Understated and quiet, Garrett has a simple explanation for why he huddles in a coach's office to watch film of that day's drills while most of his teammates go to the dining hall.

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