Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FAMU's New Baseball Coach Hopes to Take MEAC

 Head Baseball Coach Willie Brown
Tallahassee, FL - With just a few months under his belt, the newly acquired Florida A&M baseball coach, Willie Brown, is ready to get his team on track and bring the Rattler nation a Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference title.

"I am just excited. Yesterday was my first day of really getting to teach, and see what I have to work with," Brown said. "I almost got chills putting on a Florida A&M University uniform again. It was just so surreal."

After months of searching for a new coach, Athletic Director Derek Horne announced that Brown would become the next coach of the Rattler baseball team.

Brown resigned as Maclay High School's baseball coach at the end of last season. He coached ten years the Maruders, four years as the team's head coach.

Brown attended FAMU, and was a star player from 1989 to 1992. Brown led the Rattlers in home runs with seven his sophomore year in just 27 games and five his junior season. He also led in total at bats with 169, as well as total hits, with 48 in 48 games.

The Florida Marlins then drafted him as a junior. He spent four years in the minor leagues.


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