Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Paine's Tim Duncan already hard at work

Augusta, GA - When Tim Duncan officially started at Paine, he planned to take 90 days to observe and then take action. President George Bradley had other plans for his new athletic director, telling him he soon wanted a strategic plan in place. Shortly after his May 9 start date, Duncan assembled a five-part plan. That’s been just the start for Duncan, who’s made several other major changes for the athletic department.

“It’s been extremely busy,” Duncan said. “But it’s been very good.”

The former UNC-Wilmington associate athletic director and director of major gifts, Duncan has been working to become more visible in the Augusta community. He’s also spoken to several alumni groups throughout the state.

“Paine College has been a well-kept secret,” Duncan said. “I want people to know the good things we’re doing.” He established a five-part plan, which includes academic excellence, athletic excellence, compliance, external operations and student well-being.


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