Friday, September 23, 2011

WSSU's offensive line playing extremely well

Winston Salem, NC - "The Block Squad" wanted to look its best for the big moment.

That's why all members of the group — Winston-Salem State's starting offensive linemen — showed up Wednesday at coach Connell Maynor's media conference well dressed and wearing ties. Keenly aware that offensive linemen rarely get exposure, they also were ready to talk.

The Rams are 3-0 and averaging 503 yards a game, and production like that requires more than just talent at quarterback, running back and wide receiver. It also requires talent on the line.

Starters Winston Hill, Markus Lawrence, Darrell Billiott, Devan Gray and Terrence Thomas — and reserves Chris Beardon and Corey Morris — acknowledge that playing in the trenches isn't glamorous.

"I've been playing offensive line since I was 13," said Lawrence, the center. "I would love to score touchdowns and all of that, but you just have to love it when your running back scores or your quarterback throws for a touchdown."


WSSU needs plenty of support at home games

The powerful Bill Hayes, who is WSSU’s energetic athletics director, can control a lot of things as a top-flight administrator. But the one thing he can’t control is the weather, and he’ll be watching the forecast with keen interest for Saturday’s 6 p.m. home game at Bowman Gray Stadium against Fayetteville State (0-3).

The Rams fans have traveled in bunches for their first three road games. They traveled so well, in fact, that I estimate the Rams had more fans in the stands at all three games at Elizabeth City State, Virginia Union and Chowan.

Hayes made sure to seek me out last week to let me know that for the program to truly be successful seats have to be occupied at home games. That’s one of the ways the athletics program generates money and it’s a big resource.


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