Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blown Away: NSU Spartan Legion gives B-CU a music lesson in Crunkology 101

Norfolk, Virginia (Oct.20, 2011) -- Tonight, the great Bethune-Cookman University Marching Wildcats Band received a valuable lesson in Crunkology 101, from the Spartan Legion Marching Band of Norfolk State University.

The backdrop from this entertaining clash of band pageantry, magnificent musicianship, showmanship, originality, and marching supremacy was the nationally televised football game between the MEAC leading Norfolk Spartans and the B-CU Wildcats. Too bad ESPNU hasn't learned that Thursday night HBCU TV football fans don't give a darn about Sports Center at half-time. Students and parents want to see the marching band battle....PERIOD.

Great credit is given to Bethune-Cookman University for busing the 400+ Wildcats band from Daytona Beach to Norfolk, a distance of 1418 miles round-trip and 24 total hours travel time away from school and classes on Wednesday and Friday.

No doubt, B-CU performance was good and very entertaining!

Norfolk State gave the Wildcats a valuable lesson in crunkology, showmanship and superior marching. The Spartan Legion marches under 260, but the superior musicianship, crystal clear melody and counter-melody lines from the woodwinds, upper and lower brass were superb in Thursday's performance. Much credit has to be given to NSU band directors and arrangers who fresh perspectives in music of mixing funk, hip-hop and crunk, gives the Spartan Legion a powerful sound, that punctuates every movement of the band with a rhythmic bass and drum line that we all enjoy.

Bethune is good -- but not great due to its lack of originality. The Wildcats marching style is ordinary, the drum major movements are a total copy-cat of FAMU, Jackson State Sonic Boom and UAPB M4 Bands. What the Wildcats need is many more lessons is crunkology and a total makeover in marching style.

More importantly, B-CU announcer is a total irritation and negatively impacts the band performance in their simple dance routines. What is needed here is less talking over the band and more creative, rhythmic, and slick choreography for the dance routines. No originality in this phase of the performance.

Is anyone able to pop a 90 degree knee lift in the B-CU Wildcats band? Look at Norfolk State --That's how you march with precision --popping 90's.

Close your eyes and listen to the Marching Wildcats -- there is nothing unique in their musical style and sound that gives them a "signature," other than "Let's go Wildcats."

A world-class collegiate marching band is more than a fight song!

Thursday night -- Norfolk State University approached "world-class" and originality won hands down in all phases of the contest. Behold - The Green and Gold !!!

Winner: Norfolk State University Spartan Legion Marching Band.


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