Friday, October 28, 2011

Ram Ramblings: Basketball in October, say it ain't so

Winston Salem, North Carolina -- It’s hard to believe that in the middle of football season I went to go see a basketball game tonight at the Gaines Center. But that’s the nature of college athletics these days with plenty of over lapping. The reason I went to the Gaines Center was to see the new-look WSSU men’s team.

The men played in a Red-White scrimmage which will be their only tune-up before the opener on Nov. 13 at home against Talladega College.

I don’t know what I expected to see but my first impression is the Rams are a lot smaller than in years past. Last season they had four players who were 6-8 or taller and that included the 6-9 Paul Davis and the 6-10 Corey Morris.

The experienced Rams of last season went 19-8 and won the Southern Division but lost in their first round of the CIAA Tournament and the first round of the NCAA playoffs is a distant memory.


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