Thursday, November 10, 2011

Jenkines signs with Hampton

Clarksville, Tennessee -- With all the attention and focus on Clarksville High and its five senior basketball players signing Division I scholarships on Wednesday afternoon, it may be easy to forget the city had another major college talent heading to a D-I program.

Kenwood held its own signing day, early Wednesday morning, honoring forward Blake Jenkines who signed with Hampton University, adding the total of Wednesday's signings to six.

"I was very excited," Jenkines said. "The entire team came up with me. We were out in front of the whole school and my pastor from my church was there too. I was really excited to have a day like this and grateful."

Jenkines has fought hard to carve out her own niche among what is arguably the greatest assembly of basketball talent the city has produced at one time. And while most of Clarksville's stars couldn't have imagined a day like Wednesday, Jenkines figured it would happen at some point.


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