Friday, November 25, 2011

Time off has not dulled WSSU's intensity

Winston Salem, North Carolina -- Third-ranked Winston-Salem State enjoyed some much-needed down time with a bye in the first round of the Division II football playoffs.

But coach Connell Maynor said Wednesday, while having lunch with his team in the school cafeteria, that the break doesn't mean the Rams have lost momentum. WSSU will be back in action Saturday, when it plays California (Pa.) in a second-round game at 1 p.m. at Bowman Gray Stadium.

"I really don't think we've lost that momentum from winning the CIAA," Maynor said. "We've got a good, solid football team that understands our goals and what we are trying to do. They understand that the off week was about staying in shape but getting healthy and concentrating on your books."

The Rams (11-0) are in unfamiliar territory ...


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