Wednesday, January 11, 2012

TSU, PV coaches 'go way, way back'

HOUSTON, Texas - Newly hired Texas Southern football coach Darrell Asberry ran into a good friend — and new rival — while walking toward the podium before Tuesday's introductory news conference at TSU's H&PE Arena.  Asberry had a warning for his colleague: "Heish, you're on the clock now."

Prairie View A&M coach Heishma Northern smiled back at him. Asberry and Northern will have plenty of time to match wits while battling for recruits in the coming weeks and preparing to face each other in the season-opening Labor Day Classic, but the two put competition aside on Tuesday as Northern congratulated a comrade on landing his first Division I head coaching job.

"Heish is one of my best friends," Asberry, 39, said. "We go way, way back."


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