Sunday, March 18, 2012

How Florida Plans to Beat Norfolk State

TALLAHASSEE, Florida - Norfolk fans, wherever you are, you need to know what it will be like on Sunday to play the favored Florida Gators. If you do not want to be at a disadvantage from the start then I advise you read this.

While Norfolk carefully executed their game plan against Missouri, Florida’s coach Billy Donovan sat quietly watching. There can be no greater scouting report than a bird’s eye view of the opponent’s talent. Donovan will not say whether he is impressed with Norfolk, but one thing is for sure. He is determined to make sure that what happened to Missouri will not happen to Florida. By Sunday he will know the strengths and weaknesses of every Norfolk player and have a strategy not just to beat them, but to demoralize them.

Here is what we know about Florida. The quest to beat Norfolk will begin well before Florida enters the arena to play. The players will prepare as if they are about to play their rival Florida State. Donovan will make it clear that it would be shameful for Florida to lose a game they are supposed to win. “Just look at what happened to Missouri,” he’ll say.


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