Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Report details 2010 faculty-involved FAMU hazing

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- A Tallahassee Police report on hazing made public today, detailing a 2010 Florida A&M University band fraternity incident involving two faculty members, sheds light on the difficulty of bringing such cases to prosecution.

Stalled reporting, lack of cooperation, insistence on anonymity, hesitation to press charges: those are just a few of the hurdles that plagued this investigation, eventually leading to its closure as the statute of limitations ran out.

Meanwhile, Gov. Rick Scott is now urging a FAMU task force charged with reviewing campus hazing policies to reverse a decision it made last week that would allow it to operate in private, according to the Tallahassee Democrat.

The 2010 incident described in Wednesday’s report predated a hazing ritual that police said killed FAMU drum major Robert Champion last year, but was only reported to police after Champion’s death made headlines, according to the TPD report.


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