Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hampton native Ganon Baker builds basketball training reputation

HAMPTON, Virginia - On the first day of spring, inside Hampton University's Holland Hall, two men sweat through a morning workout at one end of the basketball court.

The younger man, Hampton University senior and All-MEAC wing Darrion Pellum, aspires to a professional basketball career. He moves mostly wordlessly through a series of drills — shooting, dribbling, moving and pivoting from different spots on the floor.

The older man, Hampton native Ganon Baker, can help Pellum reach his goal. For nearly 90 minutes, he demonstrates and directs the drills. He moves crisply, precisely and constantly, belying his 39 years. He maintains an almost endless stream of chatter, both instructional and encouraging.

"Come on, DP, you can't miss two in a row. Elevate, elevate, elevate."  "You've got to get it off quicker than that." Use your feet to get open and the ball will help you score."  "Every shot's the most important shot. Every shot's the game winner." "Every miss, you're closer to a make."  "Don't let your mistakes affect the next possession."


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