Sunday, April 22, 2012

Not Enough Spring in the TSU Tigers' Step for Coach Asberry

HOUSTON, Texas - The Texas Southern Tigers wrapped up their spring training today with their spring game at Alexander Durley Stadium on TSU’s campus.

The new TSU offense squared off against the defending TSU 2011 FCS top defense before dozens of supporters, alumni and fans. The game was setup on a point system where the offense got six points for a touchdown and three points for a field goal. The defense received three points when they forced the offense to punt and five points for a turnover or a stop on a fourth down. The defense won 32 to 6 and head coach Darrell Asberry was not happy with the outcome.

“Today they came out flat. In my eyes they walked; they loafed and I know we’re a much better football team than that,” Asberry said. “The kids can get it done, because I’ve watch them do it all spring.”

Asberry said it was the effort by the offense that disappointed him most.

“Over on the sideline, he sees it best. If he says the effort was lacking, then the effort was lacking, “said senior quarterback Riko Smalls. “What we need to do as players is dig deeper and respond.”

The defense played well, and Asberry credits the coaches for getting the best out of those guys.

“The defense has been flying around all season that was the reason to kept Coach Ramsey… for chemistry on the defensive side of the ball,” Asberry said. “The linebackers are still a concern, but he just does a great job of disguising a couple of our weakness. The coaching staff is doing a great job over there.”

Asberry is confident that the team will get to where it needs to be. He says it seems that they just had an off day, but that’s a situation he says is not acceptable.

“It’s been great all spring, but today wasn’t our day offensively. Hopefully they will use the words that I expressed to motivate them. They don’t have a choice; they have to get motivated because September 1st is just around the corner.”

“I think that we struggled with consistency on the offensive side of the ball today. But we are going to look at the tape and we’ll get better and correct those coming into next season,” said Smalls.

The Tigers will start the 2012 season against Prairie View A&M in the State Farm Labor Day Classic on September 1st.


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