Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Streaking Southern Jaguars to host UNO

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana - Roger Cador had been hard on his players. He saw the potential in his Southern baseball team. Sure, maybe they weren’t going to barrel through the Southwestern Athletic Conference, like some of Cador’s vintage ballclubs. Still, the Jaguars had enough talent to win. They just weren’t doing it.

A month ago, Southern was in an ugly funk, smak-dab in the middle of a seven-game losing streak, and Cador was pressing his players to work more, play smarter, concentrate a little harder.

Cador reminded his men that without tremendous pressure, some of mankind’s greatest achievements — the Great Pyramids in Egypt, the Panama Canal, the Great Wall of China — would have never happened.

“Let’s be realistic,” he said. “If nobody ever places demand on you, you’re never going to amount to a whole lot in life, because as soon as you meet up with demand, you’re going to say, ‘I don’t want to do it.’ ”

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