Monday, April 2, 2012

West Rowan's Laster signs with Livingstone

MOUNT ULLA, North Carolina — Most of Zay Laster’s friends had some advice for the West Rowan quarterback when he told them he was going to sign a football scholarship with Livingstone. “They told me, ‘Don’t go there. Don’t do this. Don’t do that,’ ” Laster smiled.

Laster has obviously been taught to listen to his elders, not his buddies. He took the advice of West coach Scott Young and the invitation of Livingstone coach Elvin James and decided, “This is what’s best for me and my family.”

So Laster, the 6-foot signal-caller is going to be taking his talents the 12 miles from Mount Ulla to Monroe Street. He’s going to be a Blue Bear. And he brings exactly what James’ team needs — an athletic quarterback with leadership skills and an ability to throw the ball downfield.

“Coach James came in and watched film,” Young said. “They just hired a new offensive coordinator and they like how Zay throws the deep ball. They’re going to give him a chance to play immediately.”


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