Tuesday, May 15, 2012

BSU's Delano Johnson pushes past tragedy for his NFL dream

MARTINSVILLE, New Jersey — It wasn't the Christmas break that Delano Johnson had hoped for.

He sat in his father's house in Baltimore, Maryland, on Christmas Eve, a college freshman who had typical plans of unwrapping gifts the next morning, catching up with friends from high school during the next few weeks and of course, sleeping in. Lots of sleeping in. It was supposed to be a carefree time for Johnson, but instead what happened next forever changed his life. Johnson was set to lose a person who he called his "hero and inspiration."

The phone rang with a call that came from his aunt's house, telling him that his mother had passed away. He was raised by her along with his three brothers, a woman who he said "put all of us on her back." His mother had succumbed to a "health problem that she had."

Instead of planning his winter break from college, Johnson readied himself for a funeral.


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