Monday, June 25, 2012

34 years after Super Bowl III, UMES' Boozer and Christy still close

WESTOVER, Maryland -- To some, Super Bowl III goes down in sports history as one the greatest football games ever played. In 1968, the New York Jets became the first AFL squad to beat a team from the more dominant NFL. On top of that, the legend of Joe Namath's guaranteed victory over the heavily favored Baltimore Colts propels the story into folklore status.

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore remembers the game for different reasons, however, since it contained a Super Bowl record five former Hawk football players on the field.

Two of those five were back on Delmarva recently to play in the Art Shell UMES Celebrity Golf Tournament at Great Hope Golf Course in Westover. For seven straight seasons, four in college and three on the New York Jets, Emerson Boozer and Earl Christy played football together.

For both of them, having a former teammate to help with the transition from the country to the city made the experience much easier.

"I played longer with Emerson than anybody at Maryland Eastern Shore," Christy said. "It was phenomenal. I come from a small town and then to go to New York -- the biggest city in America. Yes, it was great. We even found our apartments in the same place."


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