Monday, June 25, 2012

FAMU preseason magazine is packed with information

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Alvin Hollins was doing some of the personal things he hadn’t been able to do much of during the 30 years that he was sports information director at Florida A&M University. Most of all he was able to take a real vacation and visit his parents.

Then, Eddie Jackson called last summer. Jackson, a former sports information director and former vice president of university relations at FAMU, wanted to publish a preseason football magazine. He figured Hollins’ knowledge of FAMU football would be an asset.

As Hollins listened to the pitch, the long hours of writing feature stories, compiling statistics and accumulating photos flashed through his mind.

“It did have a lot of eerie echos of those days when I used to be sitting up late at nights over the computer,” he said, “putting together bios or whatever.” But at the same time, Hollins admitted, he felt a sense of normalcy as he went to work on the magazine.


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