Sunday, June 24, 2012

The State of the Department: North Carolina A&T Aggies

GREENSBORO, North Carolina -- Earl Hilton completed his first full-year as the North Carolina A&T director of athletics. He took time out to consider the State of the Department, and to set out new goals for the future of A&T Athletics, which he hopes will improve the college experience for the 325 student-athletes of the university's 15 NCAA Division I programs.

The goal of the department is to ensure the success of student-athletes on and off the field, Hilton said.

Earl M. Hilton III, J.D., Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, North Carolina A&T State University

He is looking to start new initiatives to highlight and promote the academic success of A&T student-athletes, as well as to streamline the process for tracking their progress toward degrees, which is a crucial part of maintaining their eligibility to compete.

One of the final main projects Hilton has is to help student-athletes develop not only their scholastic and athletic skills, but also develop their world views. He wants to ensure that all student-athletes have the opportunity to travel, by flying on an airplane and by getting a passport. He also wants to establish a department-wide community service project for student-athletes.


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