Wednesday, July 18, 2012

GSU's Doug Williams, others ponder Bayou Classic future

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — The last few Bayou Classics have seen records for lowest attendance and highest margin of defeat for Southern, and this summer, the game lost its sponsor of more than a decade when State Farm announced it would pull out in 2013.

Any way you slice it, the game isn’t what it used to be. But if the first step toward fixing a problem is recognizing there is one, things are on the mend.

Grambling coach Doug Williams, who played in and won the first Bayou Classic in front of 76,753 at Tulane Stadium, said he’d be lying if he said he didn’t worry about the game’s future.

“We cannot afford to lose probably one of the greatest rivalries in New Orleans of all time,” Williams said. “The most important thing is the fans, the alumni, everybody in the state of Louisiana has to rally around this and try to keep the Bayou Classic what it is.”

Williams said that could mean moving ...


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