Thursday, July 12, 2012

NSU quarterbacks coach takes Rhode Island job

NORFOLK, Virginia -- Steve Canter is leaving behind the only state he's ever coached in. The Norfolk State quarterbacks coach accepted the same job at the University of Rhode Island late last week, accepting the fact that moving up often means moving on.  He played at Kempsville High and Virginia Tech and coached at Landstown High and NSU.

"It tears at your heartstrings a little bit," Canter said. "But this job, it's all about who you know. You never know where an opening is going to occur and you want as many people as you can to be comfortable recommending you."

Canter said he canvassed advice from coaching mentors like University of Illinois assistant Chris Beatty, coaches from his playing days at Virginia Tech and even Adrian. Adrian has often encouraged his assistants to leave for better opportunities as they arrive. This, Canter said, was one of those.


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