Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Passion for game brings Mays south to FAMU

TALLAHASSEE, Florida  -  Frank Mays was so convinced that a high school janitor was onto something when he mentioned football as an extra curricular that he practiced an entire season without playing a single down.

When he got his opportunity to play in his senior year of high school, he simply showed out. Mays recorded 96 tackles, enough to catch the eyes of coaches at Minnesota Central Lakes College, although he was shunned by bigger programs.

FAMU is the next stop for Mays, a 6-foot-10, 285-pound defensive end. Coming to Tallahassee to play at FAMU is much farther than he thought he’d go after his high school janitor told him his size could get him somewhere in the game, Mays said.

“I figured I’d give it a shot,” Mays said Monday during a break between strength and conditioning drills. “I really wasn’t looking for anything bigger than high school (but) I fell in love with the game.”


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