Sunday, August 26, 2012

Concordia-Selma looks to coach's fast tempo

SELMA, Alabama - When the Concordia-Selma football team takes the field, whether it's for practice or games, the players are expected to play at the "Skanes Tempo." That's the name Hornets head coach Shepherd Skanes branded his style.

"It's fast-paced football," Skanes said. "They have to play fast in all three phases of the game for four quarters. I preach that to the team all the time."

In 2011, the "Skanes Tempo" produced a 6-4 record and NAIA Concordia was tabbed the co-independent program of the year among historically black colleges and universities by  Skanes was named coach of the year.  With nine starters returning on offense and seven on defense, Skanes believes the Hornets will have another successful season in 2012.

"We have got to stay focused," he said. "If we do that and keep the tempo I want, I think this could be another big year for our football program."

A big part of Skanes' optimism is centered on the return of junior quarterback Keith Ray. Skanes calls the Hornets leader "Mr. Everything."


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