Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ram Ramblings: NCAA comes to WSSU but it's a good thing

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina  --  Not only is Connell Maynor a very good football coach he’s been lucky over three seasons to not have a long list of injuries to key players.

That luck ran out on Nov. 10 when quarterback Kameron Smith, who now holds every passing record in school history, went down in the second half of the CIAA championship game against Elizabeth City State. Smith could still play on Saturday in the second-round of the Division II playoffs but I’m guessing that Anthony Carrothers will get the start instead.

Smith, who is 30-3 as a starter, came at just the right time when he transferred from the U.S. Navel Academy before the 2010 season. Smith came here after Maynor was hired and Smith, who is from Raleigh, turned out to be one of Maynor’s best recruits.

The NCAA came to Winston-Salem about a month ago but it didn’t come looking for violations. Instead, the NCAA came and did a nice story on Smith and the rise of the WSSU football program.


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