Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Winston-Salem State Returns to D-II, Rolls to Title Game

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina  --   Winston-Salem State's financial problems are one reason the Rams are playing for the Division II national championship this weekend.

The historically black university was on track to move to Division I when budget woes forced officials to abort the plan to join the Football Championship Subdivision a few years ago.

So, the Rams returned to Division II and made themselves right at home.

In their third season back at this level, they're 14-0 and preparing to face Valdosta State on Saturday in Florence, Ala., with their first national title at stake.

"I don't know if it justifies (the decision), but I know winning solves a lot of problems, and people like winners," third-year coach Connell Maynor said. "If you win, that will make the people that wanted us to stay I-AA kind of forget about that and say, `You know what, this is all right. This is pretty cool."'
The move back down a rung on the NCAA's ladder sure seems to have agreed with Winston-Salem State.

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