Thursday, February 14, 2013

Letters of Interest: Trayvaughn Newell runs the show for Coolidge

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Moments after the final buzzer sounded on Coolidge’s 64-46 win against No. 2 Theodore Roosevelt, Colts Coach Vaughn Jones slipped on a gleaming white jacket that read “2012 DCIAA champs.” In a Roosevelt gym still buzzing from the upset that had just transpired, Jones’s subtle move served as a reminder that despite the Rough Riders’ 21-1 mark, the DCIAA title still ran through Coolidge.

A major reason for that, as well as the Colts’ proficiency during Tuesday’s dominant win is senior Trayvaughn Newell. The 5-foot-11 point guard is one of my favorite players to watch this season simply because of his court vision and willingness to share the ball. Crisp passes float off his fingers and into the hands of streaking Coolidge players in transition and in half-court sets. Newell’s poise with the rock helps the Colts maximize their wealth of weapons led by forward David Kadiri and swingman Kory Cooley.

“Tray is our glue kid; he makes everything come together for us,” Jones said. “He defends well and he facilitates our offense very well.”


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