Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New Commissioner talks about getting CIAA out of debt

CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) says it is now $200,000 in debt. Last summer the organization was $500,000 in the hole. New CIAA commissioner Jacqie Carpenter says she is ready to tackle the issue.

"We've made some additional cuts," Carpenter said. "And have done better business decisions in some of the championships we run."

Carpenter also says fans can help out a great deal to get the association out of debt. She told WBTV out of all the fans who crowd Charlotte streets and pack the parties during CIAA week, only half of them attend games.

"That's quite alarming," the commissioner said. "Because that means they are doing something other that what the whole event is about, and that's basketball."

For the past three years, tickets have been on the decline and CIAA wants to do something about that. So far CIAA reports ticket sales are okay. The organization will now do a better job reaching out to the community to help boost ticket sales.



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