Friday, March 1, 2013

CIAA commissioner: Tournament could move

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina  --  It's a slam dunk for Charlotte!

The CIAA tournament brings hundreds of thousands of fans to the Queen City and they leave behind about $50 million.

“It's always really good to come and mingle with people we know from different schools and different cities, have a good time talk about the old days and enjoy the games," said Jay Asbury.

He and his wife come from Raleigh for the long weekend of basketball.

"I like the bigness of the city...lots of restaurants and hotels," Jay’s wife Delores said.

But the CIAA commissioner says there aren't enough hotels, and that could cost Charlotte the tournament the Queen City has hosted for the last eight years.
 "We still haven't been able to take care of our teams the way that I'd like to; they are spread out all over the city and I would like to figure out a way to get teams closer to the venue. That’s part of their experience as well," Commissioner Jacque Carpenter said.  READ MORE

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