Thursday, March 21, 2013

MEAC commissioner says Scope is the perfect place

NORFOLK, Virginia  --  Early losses by the Norfolk State and Hampton men's basketball teams took some steam out of attendance at the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference tournament.

Shorn of both local teams, Scope's 9,140 seats appeared about half full for Saturday's championship game. Paid attendance was 7,105, said Patricia Porter, director of media relations.

But Dennis Thomas, the MEAC commissioner, said he was pleased with the crowd and thrilled with the reception fans received in Norfolk.

"For Norfolk State to be out of the tournament and Hampton men to be out of the tournament, I was very happy with the crowd," Thomas said. "Our fans still turned out to watch the game."

The tournament has bounced from Richmond to Raleigh and Winston-Salem, N.C., in recent years. Thomas said he thinks the MEAC has found a home in Norfolk.

"This has been a tremendous tournament," he said. "I talked to many fans from out of town, and everything I've heard has been positive.

"Our fans were very pleased with how the city embraced them as visitors."


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