Sunday, March 17, 2013

MEAC tourney's best memories likely made off court

NORFOLK, Virginia  --  During halftime of the MEAC tournament men's final, Gabby Douglas was introduced to the crowd at Scope.

Wearing a dress and high heels, the Olympic gold medal gymnast from Virginia Beach walked to center court for a brief ceremonial appearance, waving and posing for pictures.

But what about the rest of us, we non-double-jointed mortals who dropped in on the tournament? Even if we could, should we do back flips over what we saw?

The title game resembled so many conference tournament rock fights. North Carolina A&T held off Morgan State despite scoring only four points in the last 3:57. But, then, Morgan State scored only three.

A week ago, N.C. A&T left Norfolk State after losing another game and falling to the No. 7 spot in the tournament seeds. Now the Aggies from Greensboro are headed to the NCAA tournament, to the play-in round in Dayton.


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