Wednesday, April 17, 2013

SSU fires football coach Davenport and Staff

SAVANNAH, Georgia  --  After two 1-10 football seasons, Savannah State head coach Steve Davenport was fired Wednesday afternoon.

Davenport’s assistant coaches were also let go, except for cornerbacks coach Corey Barlow, who was named the interim head coach.

“I don’t really know (why) and I didn’t ask,” said Davenport about his abrupt dismissal. “Me and the boss (athletics director Sterling Steward) have been clashing for a while. Some day I’ll have a story to tell, just not now.”

Steward did not several return calls Wednesday.

In a press release, Steward said, “We wish coach Davenport and his staff success with all their future endeavors.”

Davenport took over for interim coach Julius Dixon, who posted a 1-10 mark in 2010. Dixon replaced Robby Wells.

Savannah State hasn’t had ...

SSU 2013 Football Schedule


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