Friday, April 26, 2013

WSSU Rams looking forward to NCAA Tournament

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina  --  Winston-Salem State’s baseball team won its third straight CIAA championship last weekend — but its work this season is not finished.

The Rams, who are 38-9 and ranked 30th in the Division II Collegiate Baseball poll, are gearing up for NCAA regional play by playing more regular-season games.

“Definitely, we are not finished and the guys have really responded in continuing to work to get better,” Coach Kevin Ritsche of the Rams said

WSSU is ranked second in the Atlantic Region behind Seton Hill; Ritsche said the Rams have a good shot at playing host to the regional May 15-19. There is one problem — finding a place to hold the regional. BB&T Ballpark, which is the Rams’ home field, will be in use by the Winston-Salem Dash during the regional, so that field is not an option.

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