Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Charlotte tourism boosters: CIAA impact declined in 2013

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina  --  Economic impact from the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association’s basketball tournament declined by 6 percent in 2013, according to figures compiled by the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority. Despite the dip, the $47 million spent on hotel rooms, restaurant meals, game tickets and related parties remains the largest annual tourism event in the city.

In 2012, the conference of 12 historically black colleges and universities generated $50 million in local spending during its week-long run at Time Warner Cable Arena. This year marked the eighth consecutive year Charlotte has hosted the CIAA’s men’s and women’s tournaments.

“The numbers came in higher than we thought they would,” said Tom Murray, CEO of the visitors authority. “Last year was the 100th anniversary of the conference. We expected a bigger drop (this year).”


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