Sunday, June 23, 2013

S.C. State’s biggest fan

ORANGEBURG, South Carolina  — Of all Bill Hamilton’s accomplishments as South Carolina State’s first and only sports information director — and over 40 years working at his alma mater, that covers a lot of territory — perhaps none is as astounding, or mind-numbing, as the landfill-like mayhem that is his desk.

Enter Hamilton’s cozy office in S.C. State’s Nix Hall, and the first impression is: When does the HAZMAT team arrive? A seeming avalanche of paper — media guides, press releases, newspapers — plus a few unexpected finds (reading glasses, a ball cap, a small sports trophy, a Carolina Hurricanes hockey puck) creates a mound rising about six inches above his desktop and cascading in all directions … including onto the floor, which is only slightly less chaotic. Hamilton’s work area, by all accounts, has looked like this since he began in 1973.

“They had a contest one year to find the junkiest desk on campus, and Bill’s tied for worst,” says legendary former football coach Willie Jeffries, who retired in 2001. “It was horrendous. But,” he said, “Bill can find anything you need there. He knows where he put it.”


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