Thursday, July 4, 2013

Citrus Bowl Renovation Could Cost More Than Thought

Florida Citrus Bowl
Event: Florida Blue Florida Classic

ORLANDO, Florida  --  The pricey renovation of the Florida Citrus Bowl -- already controversial because the municipal stadium doesn't have a professional sports team -- may be getting more -expensive, the Orlando Sentinel has learned.

After years of delays, work on the 77-year-old stadium is expected to begin in February. But as the city prepares to put the finishing touches on the redesign, stadium boosters say the budget of about $190 million isn't enough.

They are quietly lobbying for another $18 million to $27 million.

"We're trying to make sure that we leave ourselves with maximum flexibility and get a first-rate stadium when we're finished," Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer said.

Plans call for demolishing much of the stadium, including the entire lower bowl, and then rebuilding. When the work is finished in early 2015, about 80 percent of the facility will be new.


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