Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mickey Clayton to host new sports talk show on Internet

(L) Clayton Smith and (R) Mickey Clayton will co-host, Insiight on Sports
with Alvin Hollins being the producer and Gerald Tookes will be director of the shows.
Coming August 2, INSiiGHTS ON SPORTS (

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- The story that Mickey Clayton mentioned on Wednesday afternoon is sad, but it happens.

As he told it, an out-of-state high school sophomore was pulled from remedial classes by his parents after they were told that the boy could not remain in the developmental classes if he wanted to be on his school’s football team. The parent figures that football will be his ticket to playing in the pros as they decided to follow the coach’s edit, Clayton said.

“All their hopes are on (the child) but they couldn’t understand how important it is for him to do his math and pass his grades,” Clayton said. “There is an educational component that we want people to understand that it starts at this point to be ready for the next level.”

Clayton will use a sports talk show that he and a few of his friends have put together to bring issues like the one he discussed earlier to the forefront.


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