Thursday, August 29, 2013

Alabama A&M's Brandon Wells confident as college debut looms Saturday

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama - More bold than merely precocious as a recent middle-school graduate, Brandon Wells years ago approached the late Mac Thompson, then the football coach at Calera High School.

"I told my coach I wasn't going to play unless he tried me at quarterback," Wells recalled. "I always felt like I could do it. I like to be the one in command. I want to be the one with the ball in my hand. He let me try, and I was successful at it."

Thompson would later tease Wells that "if it wasn't for that tryout, I don't know where you'd be."

"I've always been a pretty outspoken guy," Wells said. "I really don't lack in confidence. If I felt like I can do something I'm going to try to do it. I felt like I could do it, and I actually could, and now we're here."

Where Wells is is days away from his first collegiate appearance. He'll be the Alabama A&M quarterback on Saturday when the Bulldogs open the season at Grambling State (6 p.m. CDT).


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