Saturday, August 24, 2013

Alabama A&M's cupboard isn't bare, despite losing many key players

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama - Alabama A&M coach Anthony Jones assures an interviewer "you'll be looking in the media guide, trying to find out who that is," and knows that Bulldog fans will be digging through programs, going, "Now, who's number so-and-so."

Alabama A&M lost more than 20 seniors from last year's team. There could be as many as 16 new faces in the 2013 starting lineup, counting specialists.

There could be no more convenient point from which to launch into a mournful "woe-is-us" monologue for a coach than those facts. But, fact is, Jones wasn't exactly caught by surprise to see such a talented senior class depart. There was some depth on the 2012 team, a potentially good recruiting class and even some experienced transfers.

"Our cupboard's not completely bare," Jones said, sitting at his desk, scribbling notes in the margin of an A&M roster.


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