Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Donald Hill-Eley not worrying about his future at Morgan State

Despite moving into final year of contract, Bears head coach insists he can only control "how I coach this particular team"

BALTIMORE, Maryland -- In the final year of his contract at Morgan State, Donald Hill-Eley knows his time is winding down. Despite the absence of an extension, however, the coach is not fretting about his future.

“The uncertainty affects us all,” he conceded. “[But] the things I can control, I can control. I should be getting my doctorate degree at the end of this year. I can control how I coach this particular team, and I can control coming to work every day and working hard. It’s very unfortunate sometimes when you look at it. I’ve graduated more than 200 men and took over a program that hadn’t won in 23 years, but I’m only evaluated by my record – not by what I’ve done for the community or for the young people. But that’s the game of football. You don’t sit there and lick a wound. You just keep working. I can’t get into the situation. It took work and creating belief, and that’s what I’m doing.”

Hill-Eley was nearly out of a job after last season when he accidentally received in November a email outlining the search for his successor. Two months later, he was given a reprieve, but there has been no talk about negotiating for an extension.

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