Wednesday, August 28, 2013

HBCU Football Preview: Arkansas Pine-Bluff Is Not To Here For Your Amusement

DAYTONA BEACH, Florida  --  It’s important to keep in mind the intimacy of HBCU sports. You often hear the question of why the Southwestern Athletic Conference doesn’t send a team to the FCS playoffs, or why don’t black college sports compete on more of a national scale.

Wouldn’t it help them with recruiting, if players knew they could compete for a national title at the end of the season?

It all depends on whether a young, promising athlete can be sold on that localized fame appeal. You win the SWAC, MEAC or an HBCU classic, and it means just as much or more than a chance to take on Montana or North Dakota State in the FCS title game.

Unfortunately, most black colleges don’t have the resources that elite FCS programs do, so it’s an uneven playing field economically. Best to do like the south did for so long in Hip-Hop – keep the money and attraction local, then shine in any weather.

The college football season gets started this week with a lot of the writing on the HBCU football wall. Here’s a look at the black football college hierarchy of the moment.


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