Monday, August 12, 2013

Miami artist Huong unveiled the ‘We are All Trayvon Martin’ mural at the state capitol in Florida

The controversial 'We are all Trayvon Martin' painting by Miami artist Huong is on display outside the state's capitol in Tallahassee as a group camps out to protest Florida's Stand Your Ground Laws. She hopes to take the mural on the road and display it in Washington, D.C.

TALLAHASSEE, Florida  -- George Zimmerman blasts Trayvon Martin while Martin Luther King Jr. bleeds in the background of a new mural unveiled at the state Capitol in Florida in Tallahassee.

The 100-foot painting substitutes a mirror for Florida teen's face, framed by a hoodie.

Miami artist Huong's not-so-subtle message is spelled out in the title: "We are all Trayvon Martin."

Huong, a Vietnam War refugee and peace activist, has joined a group of protesters called the Dream Defenders camped at the capital hoping to persuade Gov. Rick Scott to change the Stand Your Ground law highlighted by the Martin case.

Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch leader, shot and killed the 17-year-old in February 2012 and was later acquitted, igniting controversies of race and gun rights across the country.


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