Monday, September 23, 2013

Holmes shows frustration over FAMU Rattlers' mistakes

FAMU's frequent miscues bother first-year coach

COLUMBUS, OHIO — Earl Holmes spoke in a matter-of-fact tone — unlike he’s done at any point since FAMU began a three-game losing streak — as he addressed the Rattlers’ failures following a lopsided loss to Ohio State.

He said unequivocally that he will spend the upcoming bye week making whatever changes that are necessary to fix the mistakes, which have been repeated in the three losses.

“We have to look at this thing objectively (because) we had a lot of chances to make some plays,” Holmes said following a 76-0 shutout. “For some reason, we didn’t make them. We have to make the plays that we are supposed to make.”

FAMU has been beset with problem in all three phases, but especially special teams.

FAMU grad Pam Oliver, sideline reporter for Fox gets trampled by the Ohio State University Marching Band at the Cincinnati Bengals game the day after OSU beat FAMU 76-0.


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