Wednesday, November 13, 2013

CIAA Championship Notes: Bowman Gray turf in line for a touch-up

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina  -- The turf at Bowman Gray Stadium is brown with dormant Bermuda grass, and that means it’s playoff time.

But by Saturday, when Winston-Salem State and Virginia State will play for the CIAA championship, the field will be a freshly painted green.

The CIAA is paying for the grass to be painted, and a crew from the Winston-Salem Dash will do the work. The Dash also helped last season, painting the field for WSSU’s playoff run.

“ The conference wanted it to look better on TV, and it will look better for the fans,” said Kevin Manns , an assistant athletics director at WSSU.

The game is scheduled to be televised on the A SPiRE network (Time Warner digital 288).


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