Saturday, November 2, 2013

Early to rise, Alabama A&M Bulldogs looking to reverse basketball fortunes

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama  --  Pre-dawn wake-up calls are right up there with pop quizzes and trolling for parking places when it comes to favorite things for college students.

And, Alabama A&M basketball coach Willie Hayes even confessed, "the coach doesn't want to come to the gym at 5 a.m. either."

However, for the sake of time management and team unity, to assure all his players can be at every practice without their classroom schedules interfering, the Bulldogs have been working out at 5 a.m. as they prepare for the 2013-14 season.

"The guys are kinda mad at me," Hayes said.

They're also responding to the demands, returning to the gym later in the day for weight training and to work on free throws.

Hayes, the former A&M standout now beginning his third season as head coach, is brimming with ...


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