Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ex-Redskins QB Doug Williams mulls return to NFL

Doug Williams was waiting in line to place his order at Dowling’s BBQ, just around the corner from his home, when the man, a local attorney, spotted him and sauntered over. Placing his hand on the shoulder of the Super Bowl XXII most valuable player, the man spoke earnestly: “It’s terrible, what happened. But I hope you stay. We need good men like you in this community.” Williams nodded and thanked him, then placed his order: brisket plate, double beans.

It happens all the time, ever since Williams was fired as Grambling State University’s football coach on Sept. 11: folks expressing their regret, lamenting the unfairness of it all, offering their warmest wishes. It happened over and over earlier this month, when Williams attended the Washington Redskins“homecoming” game, where the franchise celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Super Bowl XXII title.

“I didn’t run into one person, black or white, who didn’t walk up to me and say, ‘That’s a tragedy, what happened at Grambling,’ ” Williams said the other day, over his brisket and baked beans. “Sitting on the airplane next morning, I’m next to a guy. And the first thing he says is, ‘How could they fire Doug Williams?’ I just said, ‘Easy.’ ”


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