Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ram Ramblings: One of the weirdest days ever at WSSU

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina -- It was one of those days where I felt like I was in a movie.

Today started out pretty good and at noon, after picking up the kids from school, I was going to blow around some leaves in the yard, then maybe have dinner with the family.

But then the CIAA held its annual football luncheon and all heck broke loose. It turned out to be one of the strangest days in my 26 years as a sportswriter because you can't make this stuff up.

Quarterback Rudy Johnson of WSSU was allegedly attacked in a bathroom at the Anderson Center during the luncheon. Several Virginia State players decided to see if Rudy could take a hit but nobody had any football equipment on.

I saw three photos of Rudy's face from an iPhone from one of the players soon after it happened and Rudy looked like he just went 12 rounds with Marvin Hagler.


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